Upgrade The Auric Field
(Encoded Frequencies)
Upgrade the Auric Field
Track Length 24:42
Chimes, flute, vocal toning, piano, nature sounds, strings, synths, crystal bowls, and channeled energy.
This track is designed to cleanse and elevate your auric field, promoting energetic well-being and enhancing your vibrationa...
Egyptian Alchemy
(Encoded Frequencies)
Egyptian Alchemy
Track Length 17:48
Sacred voice, ambient synths, ancient Egyptian instrumentation, channeled healing frequencies.
This track is designed for those who wish to explore their Ancient Egyptian heritage, timelines, and soul aspects. It is not intended for firs...
Divine Feminine Healing
(Encoded Frequencies)
Divine Feminine Healing
Track Length 22:14
Sacred voice, soft ambient synths, gentle chimes, soothing strings, and nature sounds.
This track is composed to create a deep connection to Divine Feminine Energies, providing a safe, loving feminine presence. It is especially be...
1111 Hz Crown Opening & Expansion
(Encoded Frequencies)
1111Hz Crown Opening & Expansion
Track Length 22:02
Didgeridoo, rainstick, chimes, strings, crystalline singing bowls.
This track is designed for those seeking to open their crown chakra and connect deeply with the Universe, Source Consciousness, their higher self, and ...
Inner Earth Realm
(Encoded Frequencies)
Inner Earth Realm
Track Length 21:26
Ambient synths, soft piano, nature sounds, gentle chimes, crystal bowls.
This track is designed to support those experiencing emotions of grief, isolation, loneliness, and feeling lost by providing a sacred space to go inward and reconn...