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111Hz Cellular Rejuvenation
This track is specifically designed for the intention of rejuvenating the cells of the body. 111 Hz is associated with the production of endorphins. This healing frequency assists in cell rejuvenation and regeneration. By producing endorphins, 111 Hz relieves pain...
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174Hz Pain Relief and Deep Relaxation
A very calming track indeed, Pain Relief can be used for all types of reasons, not purely for pain. A great track for anxiety, depression, chronic illness, sleeplessness. Plugging you back into the power of Water & your own Highest...
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537hz Endocrine System Retune
537hz, as used by Rife Frequencies, is the basis of the Endocrine System Retune track. This healing track aims to create a powerful healing flow running from the crown to the base of the body, smoothly guiding the healing frequencies...
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741Hz Detoxify Cells - Rebalance Whole Body
This track employs Androgynous Indium Crystal bowl, for balancing left & right brain, masculine & feminine energies. The beautiful sounds of water droplets create an environment to cleanse, release and detoxify the body. Larimar is said to enlighten and heal...
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Endocrine Series - Heal The Adrenals
This track is composed for a series of tracks to support the endocrine system to heal itself naturally. Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other essential functions. The frequencies...
Schumann Resonance - Heartbeat of Gaia
Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm is the frequency of 7.83 Hz, also known as the “Schumann Resonance". A 7.83 Hz frequency is an alpha/theta brainwave frequency in the human brain. Alpha/Theta brainwave frequency is relaxed, dreamy, sleepy state, that is...
Personalised Water Encoding VibroAcoustic Sound Track - Heal With Your Voice
Unlock the power of sound and water and your own voice with our Personalised Sound Healing Track. Harnessing the principles of cymatics, the groundbreaking research of Dr. Masaru Emoto, and the transformative potential of sound, this unique service allows you to...