Guided Shamanic Journey & Sound Healing - "Resonating a new reality into being"
Join Katherine as she guides you on a powerful journey into releasing what no longer serves and creating, embodying and fully aligning to a new way of being.For those who are wanting support to create a new reality, to align to...
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528Hz Healing Grief Through Reaching For The Light
This track was composed with the intention of allowing one who is experiencing emotions of grief, isolation, loneliness, feeling lost etc. to have a space to go inward and reconnect to the Light within. There are many experiences on this...
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1111hz Crown Opening & Expansion
Are you interested in opening your crown, your connection to the Universe, Source Consciousness, your higher self and spiritual gifts? The crown is a powerful space to draw and channel healing energies, and live a life connected to intuitive senses...
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Heal The Emotional Body With Source Energy
Heal the emotional body with source energy:           Instruments: Nature sounds from O'Reilly's, Whale recordings, cricket recordings, 3D panning ocean sounds, crystal chimes, synths, strings, piano, thera gold crystal bowl, throat chakra crystal bowl, 111hz, base...
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Inner Earth Realm
Inner Earth Realm is a track intended for you to reconnect with the Energy of Earth. For those who may live in cities, live busy lives connected to computers, screens, concrete jungles. It is so crucial to come back to...
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Explore The Hidden Realms
This track is a journey for you to embark on with a preset intention to explore aspects of your consciousness, or concepts, or experiences potentially stored deep within the psyche. Music is a powerful transportation tool, in which you are...
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Healing Power of the Ocean
Healing Power of the Ocean is a beautiful journey to connect you with the element of water - for purification, releasing toxic energies & negative thoughts, connecting yourself back into nature. This track is deeply healing and holds the intention...
Egyptian Alchemy
This track is for those who wish to explore their Ancient Egyptian herritage, timelines and soul aspects. This track is not for the first-time meditator. The healing frequencies, codes and sacred voice have been channeled in connection with Isis and...
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Purely Crystalline Intelligence
This sound track is made for the purpose of delivering crystalline healing, allowing each of the crystal bowls to interact with only eachother, to create an energetic stream of healing vibrations, rhythmic pulses to shift the brainwaves and a purification...
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Fertility & Rebirth
This track was composed for a client who was hoping to be supported in conceiving a baby,This track was composed with the frequencies for healing the womb space, 528hz for heart expansion, 10 crystal singing bowls to align feminine and...